Part 1: Measuring Org Effectiveness | Key People Metrics and KPIs

In today's fast-paced and data-driven business world, Human Resources plays a pivotal role in an organization's success. HR departments are no longer seen as just administrative support but as strategic partners in achieving business objectives. To demonstrate their value to the organization, HR leaders need to start by measuring and reporting their organization’s effectiveness using key people metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs). Let’s explore the essential HR metrics and KPIs that help HR leaders showcase their department's contribution to the organization's goals.

The Shift Toward Strategic HR

Traditionally, HR was primarily responsible for administrative tasks like payroll, benefits, and compliance. However, as businesses recognize the importance of their workforce in driving success, HR's role has evolved into a strategic one. HR is now responsible for things like talent acquisition, employee development, and fostering a positive work culture, to name a few.

To demonstrate their strategic worth, HR leaders must measure, track against benchmarks, and report their organization’s performance in a few key areas AND partner with business leaders to identify and develop strategies aimed at moving the needle where improvement is needed. Keep in mind that reporting on these metrics with some regularity can take a lot of time, if not automated. HR Leaders should take the time upfront to identify the most meaningful metrics to their executive team and automate the data crunching so they can easily provide meaningful data and spend more of their time strategizing how to bridge the gaps.

An Important Note: These metrics don’t directly measure the HR team’s performance, rather they measure the organization’s performance as a whole and it’s up to the entire leadership team to address concerns. HR can help teams improve, but turnover or diversity is not HR’s problem alone to fix, as an example.

Here are some key metrics and KPIs that can HR leaders should consider reporting on quarterly. I am going to break up these 8 metrics into two blogs because there is a lot to think about for each of these.

Metric: Percentage of employees who leave the organization within a specific timeframe.

How to Calculate: Employee Turnover Rate = (Number of Employees Who Left During the Period / Average Number of Employees During the Period) x 100

Why It Matters: High turnover can be costly and disruptive. Tracking this metric helps leadership assess their organization or team’s ability to retain top talent and maintain workforce stability.

Metric: Average time it takes to fill a job vacancy.

How to Calculate: Average Time to Fill = (Sum of Time to Fill for All Vacancies) / (Total Number of Vacancies Filled)

Why It Matters: A lengthy time-to-fill can hinder productivity and impact the organization's ability to respond to changing market conditions. Faster recruitment can lead to better business outcomes.

Metric: Employee engagement survey results, including satisfaction and commitment levels.

How to Calculate: Employee Engagement Score = (Number of Engaged Employees / Total Number of Employees Surveyed) x 100

*Engaged employees can be measured by specific satisfaction survey questions such as:

“How likely are you to recommend [Company Name] as a great place to work to a friend or colleague?”

“How likely are you to stay with [Company Name] for the next few years?”

Why It Matters: Engaged employees are more productive and tend to stay with the company longer. High engagement levels are indicative of a positive and healthy work culture.

Metric: Total recruitment expenses divided by the number of hires.

How to Calculate: Cost Per Hire = (Total Recruitment Expenses / Number of Hires)

Why It Matters: Lowering recruitment costs while maintaining the quality of hires is a sign of efficient HR operations.

Keep an eye out for Part 2 of this blog next month with another four key metrics!

Struggling with metrics and how to speak the language of your Executives? I’ve got you…

Apply for your complimentary Breakthrough Session with me and we’ll get you sorted so you make the impact you desire.

Susan Nelson

I’m an HR expert and integrative leadership coach.  I help emerging HR Leaders who are new to (or aspire to get to) the C-Suite, stay in the game and thrive! Through individual and group coaching, I help them increase their impact in their role, as a leader, AND thrive at home, as a mom with a career.

Part 2: Measuring Org Effectiveness: Key People Metrics and KPIs


Empowering HR Leaders: Advocating for Change in the Workplace