Boost your Wellbeing by Staying Connected

As an HR leader, you understand the importance of building strong relationships with employees and other stakeholders within your organization. However, it's equally important to cultivate connections outside of your organization on an ongoing basis.

I know when I worked in my corporate HR roles, I became so entrenched in my organization trying to keep pace with all my deliverables, that I neglected to nurture relationships and connections on the outside. As I work with HR leaders today who are often overworked and struggling to manage through the myriad of changes we’re seeing in the modern workplace, I emphasize how important it is to find your external support community (your tribe, if you will) for your own wellbeing. (And it’s also helpful to have a strong referral network at the ready when you decide you’re ready to make a career move outside your current organization.)

As HR leaders, we are often the backbone of our organizations, responsible for the wellbeing of our employees and the company’s ultimate success. We play a critical role in creating a positive work culture, ensuring compliance with laws and regulations, and developing policies and strategies to support the business objectives. We straddle the fine line of advocating for our employees and the company we work for. This can be very challenging and stressful at times, and it's important for us to remember to take care of ourselves as well, so we can show up ready for those we serve.

Connecting with others outside your organization can help to combat the feeling of isolation that can come with being an HR leader (trust me, it gets lonely at the top). By building relationships with other like-minded HR pros, you can create a support system that can provide encouragement and feedback when you need it most.

There are several different ways HR professionals today are connecting with others outside their organization:

Attending industry events and conferences - Whether they are in-person or virtual, these events offer opportunities to meet with other HR leaders, learn about new trends and best practices, and gain fresh perspectives on common HR issues. It’s also a great way to help you to build your professional network, which can be useful for future career opportunities.

Social media - Social media platforms like LinkedIn provide opportunities to connect virtually with other HR professionals around the globe, participate in discussions, and share information about the latest trends and developments in the industry. You can also join groups and communities on these platforms to engage in more focused discussions around specific HR topics.

Small, curated support communities: One of the best ways to connect, in my opinion, is to join a small community of like-minded HR professionals where you can meet regularly, interact, and work on your real-world challenges in a symbiotic way. A safe and trusted community, where you are heard, can openly share your experiences and learn from others who have faced similar challenges, without the fear of judgment. This can help you to gain new insights into your own work and feel better supported and more confident in your role. Often it can be a great “sanity check” when you find yourself questioning your judgement.

Sound too good to be true?  Well, since 2020, I have been facilitating a peer-to-peer learning community of HR leaders that I affectionately refer to as my “Wisdom Circle”. We meet virtually several times per month and have opportunities to hold space for one another, deeply listen, and check-in with one another. We work through challenges, brainstorm ideas, share resources, and continue to develop ourselves by leveraging the collective wisdom of the group. Safety and generous sharing are paramount in this invitation-only community. Members will often comment at the end of a session, “I so needed this time today,” and feel better equipped to tackle the day/week ahead.

Now is no time to operate in isolation or doubting yourself…find your community of support so you can be at your best. If you’re interested in learning more about our Wisdom Circle community, please check out my Wisdom Circle Membership Program.  We are currently accepting applications through the month of May and I’d love to consider having you join us.

We want to help you excel in your HR role, as a leader, and in life!

Susan Nelson

I’m an HR expert and integrative leadership coach.  I help emerging HR Leaders who are new to (or aspire to get to) the C-Suite, stay in the game and thrive! Through individual and group coaching, I help them increase their impact in their role, as a leader, AND thrive at home, as a mom with a career.

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