Don’t just take my word for it — read some kind words from previous Wisdom Circle Program clients:


“I have gained confidence from working with these wonderful professionals.”

Before joining the RYR Wisdom Circle program, I was faced with the challenge of helping my executive team navigate through extreme change (pandemic, leadership changes, business results). We had moved to a 100% remote working model and were challenged with helping employees feel connected and a sense of community.

As the solo HR leader, there was a tremendous amount of responsibility and stress on my shoulders to drive meaningful programs forward with reduced/no HR staff.

I joined the program, as I was looking to find a small community of HR professionals from whom I could learn from their experiences. This group has been like a 'safety net' - caring, smart, resourceful, and funny. They have been with me 200% when I've needed help in benchmarking HR programs like performance management, benefits, or coaching executive leadership. Susan Nelson has an incredible network of resources and her own professional experiences led to adding her expertise when needed - always going above and beyond. I have gained confidence from working with these wonderful professionals. 

The best part of being part of this group is feeling like I have an extended HR team where I can be coached and mentored!

Michelle Padron
VP, Human Resources at Virtana — San Jose, CA


“Since participating in the Wisdom Circle Program, I have landed a great job, where I've stepped into my potential, quite honestly.”

Before joining the program, I was in job transition and starting to doubt my ability to choose the right next step for my career. I didn’t have a close network of colleagues with whom I could connect.

My self-doubt was slowing me from reaching out to people during my job search, and I often felt discouraged and without focus.

It was talking with Susan that made me decide to join her Wisdom Circle Program. Her coaching, even during an informal conversation, was very affirming.

Since participating in the program, I have landed a great job, where I've stepped into my potential, quite honestly. I had fears about running the HR function, even though I often had more experience than people for whom I was working. Susan and my Wisdom Circle cohort helped to reinforce my confidence, through their sharing of their own experiences. I love connecting regularly with everyone in the group and now have a strong network that I know will remain with me through the future!

Valerie Nilson
Head of People at Anitian — San Jose, CA


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